Margaret Wasserman wrote:

> What is "reasonable turnover" for the IESG?
> ... successful ADs who are willing to
> continue serving will probably be in-office for an average of 8-10
> years (4-5 terms).  This seems to match existing practice.

I personally find that this is too long.

> What level of turnover do you think would be healthy?  And what would
> be the impacts of having more new ADs each year?

My personal preference would be an average of 4 to 6 years. You have to
ensure turnover for multiple reasons: even if you have the best
intentions, power does corrupt, attention fades, you get disconnected
from your peers, you develop an us versus them attitude, etc. I don't
necessarily believe in term limits, but remaining in an AD position for
more than 8 years feels very unhealthy. 

This is a volunteer organization. When you get a management position,
your attitude should to make the best possible job for the duration of
your mandate, then voluntarily withdraw and let someone take the next

-- Christian Huitema

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