Hi all,

Is it true true that we suffer from a lack of IESG candidates? I've often heard 
this claim, but I've been asked by the NOMCOM to comment on list for the part 
few years & it seemed that there were capable names on the lists (unless they 
were all ringers).


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--- original message ---
Subject:        Re: Complaining about ADs to Nomcom (Re: Voting (again))
Sender: Margaret Wasserman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:           05/07/2005 5:43 pm

Hi John,

At 9:18 AM -0400 5/7/05, John C Klensin wrote:
>Whatever the reasons, we don't seem to have enough plausible
>candidates to provide reasonable turnover on the IESG (which,
>personally, I think would be healthy).

What is "reasonable turnover" for the IESG?

I haven't been on a nomcom, but (from the outside) most of them seem 
to start with the assumption that they should not change more than 3 
IESG members at a time.  If that is considered prudent, then we are 
talking about  a situation where a maximum of 1/4 of the IESG will be 
intentionally replaced each cycle. Factoring in mid-term resignations 
and the possibility that the nomcom may occasionally make a poor 
choice requiring quicker turnover, successful ADs who are willing to 
continue serving will probably be in-office for an average of 8-10 
years (4-5 terms).  This seems to match existing practice.

What level of turnover do you think would be healthy?  And what would 
be the impacts of having more new ADs each year?


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