My historical data on document progress in the I-D tracker, collected
since the beginning of 2003, is available at username ietf password ietf; pick
database trackerdata and table dochistory.  (Ignore the permission
denied error; go straight for the table list on the left or the SQL
tab on the top of the right pane)

A starter query to somewhat understand the table relationships is

SELECT docname, changedate, statename, substatename
FROM dochistory, docs
LEFT JOIN states ON stateid = newstate
LEFT JOIN substates ON substateid = newsubstate
WHERE docs.docid = dochistory.docid
ORDER BY dochistory.docid, histid;

(This will return some NULL transitions where something other than the
substate or substate transitioned, like the version number, etc.)

I don't have any great ideas on how to do the analysis, but at least I
have some data to supply.


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