> > If my use of "network" on this thread were meant as something different
> > from  "local environment" in the draft, then combinatorial concern you
> > are raising  would indeed need attention.  And I wish I believed that my
> > use of the word were  the cause of the problem on this thread.
> It was for me.  Reading the earlier messages, it seemed to me that the 
> specified behavior was broken.  Then I went back and read the original 
> text, and saw that it said "local environment" and nothing about "network", 
> and it suddenly didn't seem so broken any more.

at the very least it illustrates that using vague terms in a technical 
without defining those terms can lead to misunderstanding.  fortunately the
misunderstanding was discovered before the document was published, so that
it can be clarified before it does harm.


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