
In the future I'd appreciate you not cluttering my mailbox with "fluff" 
either, so please refrain from posting such non-technical and off-topic 
messages in the future.

Might I ask why you thought it OK to cause everyone else to waste bandwidth, 
time, and energy reading your off-topic post?

But thank you for reminding everyone of the scare-tactics and bullying you 
and other spamops types are so fond of.

Of course, maybe the problem is that you see these comments as fluff and 
don't understand how pertinent they are.

Best regards,

Nick Staff

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carl Hutzler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 5:57 AM
Subject: Re: Last Call: 'Email Submission Between Independent Networks' to 
BCP - Clarification


>On Tue, 2005-06-21 at 00:28, Nicholas Staff blames the victims:
>>whats funny to me is if anything would have given spammers a reason to
>>exploit open relays it would have been the blacklists.  I mean when
>>arbitrarily blacklist millions of their ISP's addresses you leave them 
>>no other option.
>"if anything would give burglars a reason to break windows, it would
>have been locked doors.  i mean, when you put locks on millions of
>doors, you leave them with no other option."
>people who send spam *always* have the option of changing their line of
>                        - Bill
>Ietf mailing list

I appreciate all of the substantive comments on the BCP draft so far.
But I would appreciate if fluff like the above were directed to another
list/form....something other than the IETF/IESG. It simply does not
provide any technical benefits and simply causes me and others to have
to read more email. To be honest, anyone who has been as involved with
operational spam fighting as myself and the co-authors understands these
arguements all to well. No need to replay them here.

It sorta is spam, IMO :-)

Also, I am working with the team of co-authors to compile the legitimate
comments and suggestions and I intend to publish them back to the team
that submitted those comments shortly. We will keep the IETF/IESG lists
apprised of our progress.


Carl Hutzler
Director, Host Mail Development
America Online
703.265.5521 work
703.915.6862 cell

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