On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Robert Elze wrote:
> The question is what the words in 2434 (to which 2780 refers)
> actually mean.
> To me, and apparently to some others, it is clear that 2434 is
> all about what amount of documentation is required to get IANA
> to register an option, and who gets to judge that documentation.  
> There's no suggestion in 2434 that anything else should be
> subject to scrutiny.  Read the whole doc, not just the two
> sentences that directly apply in isolation.

I have read the whole doc, and I am unable to understand how you
(and those others) come to that conclusion _based on the words that
are actually in the document_.

Would it be unreasonable to ask that you point to some text in the
document to support your claim?  Or lacking that, to point to some
publically archived discussion (e.g. last call comments) that
support your position?

Mike Heard

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