>>>>> "Simon" == Simon Josefsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Simon> Brian E Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    >> We propose that, for an initial period of 6 months, a member of
    >> the community will be added to regular IESG meetings as a
    >> "recording secretary" who will write narrative minutes of the
    >> discussions, which will be posted publicly after IESG review
    >> for accuracy.

    Simon> Sounds useful to me.  How about actually recording the
    Simon> discussion too?  And publishing them as OGG or MP3.
    Simon> Editing out personnel discussion would still be possible.
    Simon> All for the sake of transparency and accountability.

    Simon> Regards, Simon
I think doing this on a regular basis would be too time consuming to
edit.  However I think it would actually be useful to the community,
to those considering serving on the IESG etc to record one telechat a
year or so and edit out the confidential bits.  I certainly know I had
no idea what to expect when I called into my first telechat.


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