On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 10:08:03AM -0400,
 Francois Menard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
 a message of 42 lines which said:

  You, not everybody
> I would for example not trust .travel from new.net if ICANN had assumed 
> control over .travel ... I should be able to pick this from a PKI-based 
> P2P trust chain, would I not?

Since other people would have a different trust chain, this will be a
significant move from the current semantics of the DNS. Today,
"airfrance.travel" is the same for me and for you. With your system,
they may be different.

I do not say that it is good or bad, just that it is a different
system than the one users are accustomed to.

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