On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, Noel Chiappa wrote:

>     > From: Dean Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     >> Anyway, I hereby propose the IETF Corollary to Godwin's Law: whenever
>     >> any IETF thread migrates to the subject of spam, it's time to end the
>     >> thread.
>     > Does this mean that you think the IETF should disband the ASRG, drop
>     > all current I-D's relating to spam, and quit working on spam issues?
>     > ... if Chiappa genuinely thinks the IETF should stop spam work, he
>     > should say so directly, so as to be clearly understood.
>     > .. if the IETF is going to work on spam, then occasionally the main IETF
>     > list will have to discuss the issue
> You seem to have missed the word "migrate" in my post.

I see.  I thought you were talking about the current thread, not some
hypothetical migration of some other thread. 

Hallam-Baker started the current thread to complain about sarcasm and
intimidation relating to anti-spam efforts. And there clearly is
intimidation. The current thread did not migrate; hence I mistook your
comments as being somehow relevant to the current thread.

It is too bad you didn't take the opportunity to clear up the ambiguity of
whether you want the IETF to stop work on spam issues.


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