----- Original Message -----
From: "Spencer Dawkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "IETF General Discussion Mailing List" <ietf@ietf.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: I'm not the microphone police, but ...

> > I am sure large corporations would be more careful at sending  their
> > high-order IQ if they known that their inputs will tagged with the
> > company name.
> What a wonderful world it would be, if that were true...
> I'm pretty sure that less than 0.001 percent of the management teams
> at my IETF sponsors since 1996 had any idea that I was even ATTENDING
> the IETF, and our process documents point out repeatedly that it's not
> necessary to actually attend IETF face-to-face meetings in order to
> participate in the IETF.
> My current sponsor is quite clear that I am, and will be,
> participating in the IETF, but that's not true for most of the people
> I talk to on IETF mailing lists. It's quite possible to be an
> excellent document editor, and probably even a reasonable working
> group chair, with very minimal sponsor awareness. I've paid my own way
> to IETFs twice, both times as WG/BOF chairs, and I know that others
> have paid their own way many more times than I have.
> If an employee doesn't fill out a travel authorization to attend the
> face to face meetings, does anyone on the management team even hear
> this tree fall?
> Spencer

My own experience of a large organisation heavily involved in networking was
that being sent to Paris or London or Japan or ... was given as a reward to
someone in the networking arena who had performed well against their objectives
for the previous year.  Prior knowledge, skill, ability to contribute were not a
consideration except insofar as they formed part of those objectives.

Of course, others could take annual leave and fund it themselves - wish I had.

Tom Petch

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