
I did a review on 'Guidelines and Registration Procedures for new URI Schemes', 
draft-hansen-2717bis-2718bis-uri-guidelines-05, for which the IETF last call is 
on until today (sorry for leaving this so late).

My main goal was to see whether the new process would make it sufficiently 
clear for other standards organizations to get URI schemes for their 
protocols/technologies registered. This has been a problem so far. For instance 
OMA and ETSI have for a long time tried to get URI schemes for Multimedia 
Message Service (MMS) and Short Message Service (SMS) registered, but this has 
proven to be impossible due to the vagueness of the existing procedures.

I think the draft is doing a good job addressing this issue. A couple of points 
were raised, however, by people working on the current MMS and SMS URI scheme 
definitions, for which I did not find an obvious answer in the draft. 

The first one may be trivial, but still causing practical problems:
- If the provisional registration of the URI scheme is done in a format of an 
Internet-Draft (such as 
http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-wilde-sms-uri-10.txt), is there a 
need to keep updating the draft forever as a reference, or can IANA use the 
(contents of the) draft as a reference even if it has been expired?

The second one is more profound question about the criteria for getting a 
permanent registration:
- The criteria for getting a permanent registration are understandably somewhat 
vague, since there are no precedents. Obviously the people working on SMS and 
MMS would (eventually) hope for a registration with a permanent status. My 
guess was that SMS and MMS are definitely so ubiquitously used utilities, that 
they would easily cross the bar set by section 2.1. But I guess this depends on 
how liberal or strict the IESG is going to be with this.

Otherwise I did not find any issues with the draft, and I think it is ready for 
approval and I truly welcome getting this new process in place.


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