
This is a fine document. Perhaps appropriately, it doesn't say much of anything.

Is the actual trust agreement a secret, or does the IETF and IASA intend to make it public before the IESG approves it? Will there be an IETF Last Call that includes an opportunity to review the document itself?

I note that the IASA web pages don't mention this at all except for a paragraph under "Draft Agreements". That says

Proposed IPR Trust
The IAOC received on May 5th a new draft Trust Agreement from
CNRI and is in the process of preparing a response. The IAOC
expects that a revised Trust Agreement will be sent to CNRI in
early June

And is presumably a bit out of date, given comments in the monthly report you circulated. And, referring to that report, it also discusses new draft engagement agreements with Counsel and other draft agreements which are not mentioned on the IASA web site, much less available there.

I am sure all of this is fine, but the agreement with the community when IASA was formed was that all of these things would be public to the extent possible. To the extent to which few or none of them appear to be available, and the IASA/IAOC does not seem to be able to keep its own web pages current and the community informed that way, rather than via just overview monthly reports, I think it should be a matter of concern to all of us.


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