I confess that I'm uneasy about Harald's action. It has too much the air of an unpopularity contest -- every one who doesn't like Jefsey's
should sign on to kick him off the mailing list.



Good point!

As I understand the rules of behavior, they impose some objective criteria. Whether one has violated those criteria well might be a judgment call, but assessing "facts" by polling public opinion is problematic for exactly the reason Steve raises: it is usually confounded by affective factors, such as (dis)liking.

Harald is asserting some facts about a particular person's posting behavior.

It should not require subtle thinking or otherwise involve much precision to evaluate Harald's petition.

If the fact of a person's violating the rules is legitimately debatable -- in other words, if it might reasonably be considered a close call -- then they probably have not violated the rules (or, at least, not violated them enough.)

The IETF sargeant at arms should just do an evaluation of the person's history, relative to the petition, and publish their assessment.



 Dave Crocker
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
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