
Was able to confirm first patent was rejected - i.e.


but what about the second one?


does not look like that one was rejected.  any advise Jeroen?

joe baptista

On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, Joe Baptista wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> > Just a little clarification for the archives as this is of course again
> > mis-propaganda etc....
> Not mispropaganda sureley.  Its more to the point to say we dont speaken
> the dutch.
> Your report that both applications were rejected pleases me.  I myself
> considered the attempt ridiculous. I'm not sure the process of adding a
> label to a database can be patented.  If it can alot of people are in
> trouble.
> TLDs do have intellectual property value - but that is in the database
> copyright, not in the technical administrative proceedure.
> Cheers
> joe baptista
> >
> > On Wed, 2005-10-12 at 15:58 -0400, Joe Baptista wrote:
> > > Yes - both patents attempt to take control of the adding of tlds to a root
> > > zone file.  The second patent recorded on 6 July 2005 is an attempt to
> > > further recognize the proceedure as being commercial.  Will need some
> > > native speakers to make out the exact wording on the original patents.
> > <SNIP>
> >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> >
> > For Non Dutch Speaking people, these two URL's both contain a very
> > important part:
> >
> > 8<----------------
> > Beperkingen:  4. GEWEIGERD / AFGEWEZEN 20050404
> > ---------------->8
> >
> > Which translates to:
> >
> > 8<----------------
> > Limitations:  4. REJECTED 20050404
> > ---------------->8
> >
> > In other words, nobody is getting any patent.
> > There would be a lot of prior art anyway ;)
> >
> > Now back to your normal IETF schedule....
> >
> > Greets,
> >  Jeroen
> >
> >
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