On Oct 14, 2005, at 4:51 PM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED] msgusr-02.pit.comms.ma
rconi.com>, "Gray, Eric" writes:

Voice conference calls - however done - are bound to be
better than E-Mail, just as face to face is better than

However, "I haven't been heard" phenomena are far from unique to E-Mail and other text based communication and can happen even with face-to-face communication. The difference is that - with text based communication - it
is possible that what you've said will _eventually_ get

I suspect that conference calls will exacerbate language difficulties.

when was that 1994 ?
how about  using sign language  :-)

Not to mention being incompatible with working across all time zones.

....but this is just a question of  timing :-)


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