On Thu, 2005-10-20 at 08:40 -0700, RL 'Bob' Morgan wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:
> > That's what got me upset over that aspect; if it had started out "I and 
> > a few other friends have this great idea that we're pushing in the IETF, 
> > and we want to meet to talk about it", I'd only have been upset about 
> > the method, not the content.
> It seems to me the actual IETF involvement here (and I got the invitation 
> too, more than once) is that the list is hosted @ietf.org.  I wasn't aware 
> that IETF hosted lists for discussion of things that might become WGs.  I 
> see from https://datatracker.ietf.org/public/nwg_list.cgi that in fact 
> there are quite a few, including this one.  But I also see that such 
> things require AD approval.  So presumably the [EMAIL PROTECTED] initiators 
> submitted something to the apps-area ADs to support this list creation. 

Another point that would be good to do is that there is an announcement
on the ietf-announce list when a new list is created, stating it's
purpose so that people who are interrested in this area now that it is
happening and not behind people's backs. At the moment one could check
on the mailman/listinfo/ page all the time but that isn't really

Thus: please announce new lists when they are created.


PS: I like the idea of Digital Identity coming into the IETF arena, thus
I signed up, as for the BCC's I prolly didn't see it as SA-marked spams
go into /dev/null; enotime for checking them...

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