On Sat, 12 Nov 2005, Joel Jaeggli wrote:

If the ap where a small linux box without bss implementation such as hostap then it would have to run in bss mode (adhoc)

just a correction here:

If the ap where a small linux box without bss implementation such as hostap then it would have to run in ibss mode (adhoc).

It would be a Really Good Thing if we could have equipment available in Dallas to locate a few of these laptops and check out what's *actually* going on with them (OS, drivers, configuration....)

Pointing a finger at particular machine in a room with 800 transmitting radio's is actually kind of hard.

I think it's fair to say that the IETF 65 hosting team is aware of the issue.

Barking up the wrong tree is fun, but doesn't help catch the cat.....

Just because there's a cat in that tree doesn't mean there aren't other cats skulking around.

Joel Jaeggli           Unix Consulting         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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