Dave Crocker wrote:

> 1. Having the term refer to either origination or reception
> means we need multiple terms.  I am seeking a single term.

For draft-hutzler -05 ?  There you have "home network", that's
apparently the same as MON (modulo roaming MUA.r), and on the
other side you have "destination", apparently the same as MRN.

BTW, why are there non-ASCII characters in my copy ?  And why
does it say "will expire on October 6, 2006" ?  The abstract
is rather long, please check this with an id-nits tool.

IIRC one problematic term in -04 was "MDA", because it's not
defined in 2476(bis).  Is the "MDA" still undefined in -05 ?

> 2. Having the termr efer to either origination or reception
>    ignores transit operations.

Redistribution / redirection are MRN + MON combined.  Where do
you need this in draft-hutzler ?  In mail-arch it's "mediator".

> The term needs to cover those activities, too.

You have anything you need for draft-hutzler, only "MDA" might
be a problem.

| Delivery Authorization:
|    MDAs MUST NOT accept mail to recipients for which that MDA
|    has no arrangement to perform delivery.

So far it's fine, but the real point is that the complete "MRN"
(starting with the MX) SHOULD reject any mail to recipients for
which that "MRN" has no arrangement to perform delivery or some
kind of redistribution on behalf of a known recipient.

The relevant case is MX != MDA, and to reject at the MX.  Okay,
the MUST for an MDA is also new, and probably you need this to
explain the more important SHOULD at the MX in the next draft.

You should also state that almost all mail is spam today, and
that the Return-Paths of spam are spoofed.  There are numerous
clueless postmasters out there:  This BCP is for those bying a
"barracuda" and pressing the red "start spew" button on it.

They need some fresh ammo to get their money back, after their
organization lost its mail connectivity.  You need simple terms
explaining why they will be blacklisted worldwide.

"COG" is too abstract for these postmasters, they won't get it.

Mail is spam, and spam is forged, not limited to the MAIL FROM,
but that's the important case for the "delivery authorization".

                         Bye, Frank

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