To give some context:
3777 says that Recall petitions must be signed by 20 people who are
eligible to be a nomcom voting member.
draft-klensin-recall-rev-00 suggests that this rule "inadvertently"
disqualifies sitting IAB and IESG members and proposes to allow them
to sign Recall petitions.
Inadvertent as it may be, I think that the nomcom-qualification is a
perfectly fine rule, and sets a higher-bar for the recall process
than the new proposal. A quick count of the number of IAB and IESG
seats we have available reveals that IAB and IESG members may get
into brawls (they go to yearly retreats without us commoners around
to watch them, and gods only know what happens there! :-)) and may
choose to initiate a recall process on one or more of the them
without having to explain what's wrong until the recall committee is
formed. As it stands today, 3777 forces recall initiators to find 20
ordinary folks :-), no more than 2 from a single affiliation and
convince them that a certain IAB/IESG member needs to be replaced
before her/his term is up, to start the recall process.
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