I remember that when the ITU-T was pushing for more use of formal tools in its IETF cooperation, around the London timeframe (2001), one person wrote a formal definition of OSPF in one of their formalisms.

I don't remember if he found any problems in the spec based on that exercise, but people more intimately connected to this problem space may remember more.



--On 17. november 2005 17:59 +0100 Frank Ellermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Steve Crocker wrote:

Just something simple and instructive to make your point.
And in light of the other issues being discussed, don't
feel constrained to use ASCII.  Use any notation and tools
you like.

Do you expect Phil's reply before 2007 ?  There were some
really nice SDL-tools about fifteen years ago.  Bye, Frank

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