--On 26. november 2005 03:58 -0500 John C Klensin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just to clarify: there are no number of lines or number of
columns requirements for submitting Internet Drafts. It is
acceptable to turn in unpaginated plain text, and the number
of columns is only required for ASCII art if you want your
Internet Draft to be eventually published as an RFC.

Unfortunately, this is no longer true, or wasn't true a year or so ago.
Someone (there was no public announcement) decided that I-D announcements
needed to contain a page count.  The secretariat responded by (quite
properly) complaining to individual authors that unpaginated documents
made their work much harder and that long lines broke their tools.  And,
as others have pointed out, we are now operating in a world in which, if
one doesn't have the boilerplate, and _exactly_ the right boilerplate,
the submissions get bounced.

The last requirement (boilerplate) was done on legal advice, and after discussions in the IPR WG that are much too voluminous for me to even remember.... it may be an unwise decision, but it was a very public one.

Note about the requirement for pagecounts:
A recent announcement without a pagecount was draft-goldman-ieprep-comparision-00, which came out on Oct 21; on inspection, that draft has an odd method of pagination (formfeed character immediately followed by the header of the page), suggesting that the tool had failed to count pages correctly, but the I-D was still posted.

So it doesn't seem to be a policed requirement....


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