
--> > 
--> > The IETF does not make any effort to be representative of the Internet
--> > community. 
--> 1) They do too.
--> Hmmm.  I would have thought proof by assertion would be more fun. 
--> Seriously, you can argue that the IETF is failing to reach the
--> stakeholders it claims to represent, but I think it's disingenuous to
--> that the group doesn't try to reach them.  There are low barriers to
--> entry for interested parties, and concentrated efforts to find and
--> coordinate with other networking standards bodies.  Those aren't the
--> actions of a group of ostriches.

It is true that the barriers to entry are low.  But, then, ostriches were
not born with their heads in the sand.  How is the IETF process of driving 
new people away because they say stuff nobody wants to hear, different from
burying its head in the sand?

--> -----Original Message-----
--> On Behalf Of Ted Faber
--> Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 11:25 PM
--> To: Hallam-Baker, Phillip
--> Cc: ietf@ietf.org
--> Subject: Re: I-D file formats and internationalization
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