> Behalf Of Frank Ellermann
> Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:
> > I note that the W3C policy is distributed under a creative commons 
> > license. I suggest that future WGs adopt it as is when they 
> make their 
> > charter proposals. Otherwise they are likely to find 
> themselves in the 
> > same position that MARID did.
> FWIW, I looked into the W3C policy once, and "think" it's fine.
> IANAL, but hope that the IPR WG uses CC among others as input.

Better to just copy it wholesale, it is under a CC license.

If the IETF defines a different policy it will have to be lawyered
again. It will also mean that any precedent established wrt to IETF IPR
will have to be re-evaluated in the context of W3C and vice versa. We
get much better bang for the buck by adopting existing legal standards
rather than inventing our own.

(And yes, I was one of the people behind E-Terms many years ago which
was a project to propose exactly that, standard contract terms similar
to incoterms)

> Most SPF and PRA issues are and were _technical_ from my POV.
> Your chances to find any statement from me saying something 
> else are slim:  The idea to "patent" PRA is just bogus.

But if you do not patent then someone else will read the spec and patent
it themselves. It has happened numerous times.

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