If these statements are both true, they might explain the lack of success of S/MIME as a tool for general (rather than balkanized) communication.

and they might not.

Since you and we have no empirical basis for asserting the association between poor adoption and any particular characteristic of the thing that is not being adopted, it is not at all helpful to cite a particular (mere) possibility in this discussion. It has no basis, so it has no relevance.

In other words, Harald, no John L. did *not* make John K.'s point.  Not even 

> - the IETF community has rejected the idea of mandating a single root
> for "just about anything" (except for the DNS, the IANA and the address
> spaces)

I don't recall the citation that documents this community consensus. Can you provide it?

Oh, I see by your later text that you can't. So what is your basis for saying "the IETF community has rejected"? For that matter, I suspect you are wrong. For example, the IETF did standardize private re-use of address space, which is its own bit of balkanization.

> - Multiple roots lead to balkanization (of lesser or greater severity)

Fine and true.

And your point is what, exactly?

I haven't seen anyone promoting multiple roots in this discussion, so how is this line of discussion at all relevant to the chartering of DKIM?

As far as I remember, neither of these statements have come out as consensus statements in any IETF document - perhaps because "everyone" knows that raising the issue will cause an endless debate and no consensus document?

and perhaps because they are not consensus statements.

That's the problem with using guesses as facts.

And to that end, thank *you* for making *my* point about the problems that accrue from taking a guess -- such as what people might do with a new technology -- and trying to inject into a decision about whether to standardize the technology.

When did fear and psychosocial guesses become the basis for blocking IETF standards efforts?



Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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