On Sat, Jan 07, 2006 at 03:18:08PM -0500, Brian Rosen wrote:
> Any format can be used for any purpose, but it might be time to fully stand
> up to requirements to harvest data, and to recognize (as I did on another
> side thread), that reading is getting harder and harder for ASCII.  It may
> be a decent archive format still, but I'm not sure it's going to stay that
> way.

Huh?  "Harvesting data" from ASCII, in terms of pulling out MIB's to
be fed into MIB compiler, or reference C code for algorithms like MD5
(RFC 1321) is *trivial* under ASCII.  Last I checked, C compilers and
MIB compilers still use ASCII text as input, and not Word documents or
XML documents.  Maybe part of what is going on is that IETF is getting
populated with people who aren't close to coding as much as before?
You can get perfectly decent text editors for all operating systems,
even Windows.

And even Word can import text (i.e., plain ASCII) documents Just Fine.

                                                        - Ted

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