John, Stewart and others,

I believe some might have taken my previous note more
personally than intended, as well as John's. As also
made clear by John below, we both looked at this with
a significantly longer time-perspective than just the
last weeks or months, as these issues have been brought
up many times before. I am sorry if someone felt
insulted, that was for sure not the intent.

It is good that we now have discussions trying to figure
out actual cases when more graphics are *really* needed,
then we might actually get out of these discussions with
some new conclusions and agreements that can guide us on
the way forward.


----Original Message----
From: John C Klensin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: den 12 januari 2006 17:41
To: Lars-Erik Jonsson (LU/EAB); Stewart Bryant
Cc: Ash, Gerald R \\\\\(Jerry\\\\\);
Subject: RE: PDF, Postscript, and "normative" versions (was:
Re: Baby Steps (was RE: Alternative formats for IDs))

> --On Thursday, 12 January, 2006 12:28 +0100 "Lars-Erik Jonsson
> \\(LU/EAB\\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Before I go on, I continue to be fascinated by the observation
>>> that, each time the "we really need pictures and fancy
>>> formatting and need them frequently" argument comes up, the
>>> vast majority of those who make it most strongly are people
>>> whose contributions to the IETF -- in designer, editor, or
>>> other leadership roles-- have been fairly minimal.
>> This fascinates me too...
>> With experience, I believe most people learn that the strict
>> ASCII format used for RFC's is actually a strong feature of
>> our ways of working. When I wrote my first drafts, I also
>> believed non-ASCII graphics were needed and I made multiple
>> versions (one TXT and one PS) of each draft, but I do not
>> waste my time on that anymore since I have learned that I
>> can manage very well without non-ASCII graphics.
> While I agree with you, I should stress that the authors of the
> current proposal have been much more in touch with IETF work and
> much more active than many of their predecessors.  We also owe
> them thanks for actually preparing a proposal in I-D form rather
> than simply complaining about our antiquated methods on the
> mailing list.  Most of the point I was trying to make was
> precisely the one you make, more appropriately, above:
> increasing experience within the IETF and with our style of
> developing and working on documents (not just publishing them)
> tends to cause both patience and respect for the ASCII graphics
> and formats to rise.  Experience from other standards bodies or
> similar entities that work in different ways may or may not be a good
> basis for inference. 
> best,
>    john

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