Noel Chiappa writes:

> OK, I'll bite. How do you reconcile this principle with defending someone who
> has tried to get people penalized for saying what they think? It seems to me
> that there's a logical contradiction there: Jefsey gets to say whatever he
> wants, but others can't?
> I refer you to the most interesting:
> especially where it says things like "Reuters, my employer, received the
> following message today" and "'We will contact tomorrow the Reuters legal
> department in Paris we will then copy and ask an acknowledgment from.'"

You're confusing messages sent to this list with messages sent
out-of-band to a different destination.  The question here concerns
only traffic to this list, not other activities carried out by members
of the list in other venues.

> And anyone who thinks that message to Reuters was not an attempt to
> create trouble for someone with their employer is being deliberately
> obtuse.

Poison-pen messages to employers are very risky, and they are usually
defamatory, and if anything bad happens as a result of the messages
thus sent, the sender can find himself in considerable trouble.

At the same time, an employer who acts upon a mere poison-pen e-mail
or letter in an inappropriate way can find himself in trouble, too.

And finally, someone who sends messages under the cover of a corporate
e-mail address, domain, etc., runs the risk of implicitly dragging his
employer's name into purely personal disputes, which is why many
employers require that their employees not use corporate e-mail
addresses or other identifiable resources when expressing their own
opinions online.

> PS: The IETF is *not* here to provide free speech. It's here to write
> protocols. Speech is subsidiary to that goal.

From what I've seen lately, it's here to argue about who should be
censored, and to chat about which hotel should be equipped with what
equipment, and other matters that seem utterly foreign to anything
like "Internet engineering."  It sounds eerily like a typical,
ineffectual bureaucratic agency.

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