At 15:57 04/03/2006, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 01:00:00PM +0100,
 JFC (Jefsey) Morfin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
 a message of 154 lines which said:

> (a recent IAB meeting denied interest to the word multilingual while
> the rest of the world is making it a priority).

The rest of the world *talks* about it, which does not make it a
priority. At least for my language, french, I would like to see less
talk and more actual creation of content.

I am lost on this. Or you may refer to an AFNIC internal issues?
Otherwise I tend to observe that there is a real increase in actions over the issue, now it becomes clear to people that the MLDNs are not the whole Internet, and that the IETF/ICANN solution will not deliver.

Because there are no
technical obstacles. The IAB is mostly right to have no interest
because the *standardization* work is already done: most Internet
protocols are fully international (and the few which are not, email
addresses being the obvious example, are currently under work).

IAB should deal with architecture. That "most Internet protocols are fully international" does not help much the network to be multilingualised. It is even a blocking factor because there is certainly a confusion between the two layers. "Most" does not make the Internet to be consistently internationalised (and this is not its RFC 3935 target).

In addition, the way they are "internationalized" is inadequate. IDNA, Langtags. This do not address users needs. Look at the registration and renewal rates.

We still have technical work (adding support in the software, on the
basis of published RFC) and content work (stop doing conferences and
start typing text). But it is not a matter for the IETF, which is a
standardization body.

You may have not shared in the WG-IDNA. The work finished on the agreement that if the released proposition did not make it we could change it. The number of IDNs vs. the number of MLDN shows the need of a review - unless we think the grassroots solution is just fine.

> the work Stephane does at AFNIC for ccTLDs is admirable and of a
> real great help to their community.

There is a well-known children tale in France about flattery... ("The
Raven and the Fox")

I acknowledge the true quality of your work. I certainly do not do anything more.


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