At 10:06 AM 17/03/2006, Leslie Daigle wrote:
Following the note just sent about the proposed timeline for
reviewing the RFC Editor contract this year, here is the
STRAW proposal RFC Editor charter proposed by the IAB.


STRAW RFC Editor Charter

The RFC Editor executes editorial management for the publication of the
"Request for Comment" (RFC) document series, which is the permanent
document repository of the IETF community.  The RFC series
constitutes the archival publication channel for Internet Standards
and for other contributions by the Internet research and engineering
community. RFCs are available free of charge to anyone via the
Internet. It is the responsibility of the IAB to approve the
appointment of an organization to act as RFC Editor and the general
policy followed by the RFC Editor.

Policies, including those for defining publication tracks and
their requirements, intellectual property rights, as well as
editorial review and approval processes,  must be defined in
IETF community consensus documents before being put to the IAB for


It is unclear from the above if the RFC Editor's charter specifically includes the
actions of publication and repository management for RFC documents
("editorial management for the publication..." allows a variety of interpretations
of the specifics of this role).

It may be useful for the IAB and the IAOC to consider whether the RFC Editor's charter is specifically limited to the editorial task of production of publication-ready
documents, and to state such clearly in the charter (and  thereby pass the
responsibility of publication and repository management to the IETF Secretariat), or whether to call out in this charter in clearer terms that the RFC Editor is responsible for publication and repository management in addition to editorial actions relating
to document preparation.

I would personally advocate the IAB's adoption of a charter that explicitly defined the role of the RFC Editor as an editorial role responsible for the production of publication-
ready documents in a specified set of document formats and fold the publication
and repository management tasks into the IETF Secretariat function.


 Geoff Huston

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