
I guess some people not in Dallas may have missed the news of the freak
local flooding here.

I was downtown with three colleagues and tried to come back to the hotel
around 5.30pm Sunday and hit the huge traffic jam.  Our taxi couldn't cross
the freeway to the hotel side because the police had blocked the flooded 
turnoffs, and we had no intention of running across the freeway (never 
was good at Frogger) so we ended up staying overnight at a motel 5 miles 
up the freeway.

The freeway was largely clear, but was underwater in places, but looking
to the side roads we could see cars almost completely submerged (and
probably couldn't see some that were).   

When we'd left the hotel at 1pm or so the heavy rain was very heavy, 
and we got pretty wet just running 10 yards from the cab to the restaurant,
but never had any idea of what was to follow.

Some pictures from www.dallasnews.com:

The forecast is better for the rest of the week, thankfully.


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