On Wed Mar 22 19:00:53 2006, Tim Chown wrote:
Is there any way a non-US citizen can buy one of the promotional 770's
available at the event and walk out with a receipt in their name?

Ah, I have half a Lemonade IMAP client for those things. Since I never got a 770, I lost interest in it, but what I have is available under GPL to anyone with a 770, Python, and a will to tangle with experimental code. (The Lemonade stuff is complete, it's the UI that's half or less. Also contains a full ACAP client, for amusement's sake.)

If anyone wants a finished Lemonade capable client, then I'll send you a shipping address for a 770. ;-)

          You see things; and you say "Why?"
  But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
   - George Bernard Shaw

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