On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 02:29:23PM +0000, Dave Cridland allegedly wrote:
> I don't actually have the choice, but I find remote participation 
> generally okay, for the most part, albeit I have the slight advantage 
> of starting off my internet experience in telnet BBS systems, so I'm 
> generally used to the text chat thing, the lag, etc. The audio lag is 
> more unnerving, in the cases where the Jabber scribe is helpfully 
> typing in what people are going to say before they say it.
> Many thanks to all the jabber scribes in those meetings I virtually 
> attended, and, just as important, thanks to those physically present 
> who also monitored and used the Jabber rooms, and thus made me feel 
> somewhat like an attendee (albeit in the cheap seats) rather than a 
> "not present".
> I'm somewhat hoping that the use of the Jabber server outside the 
> meetings might be able to take off as a method for more 
> high-bandwidth discussion, paradoxically leaving more time in the 
> "real" meetings for the kind of presentations that Keith hates, but 
> this time having them aimed at cross pollination between groups and 
> areas.

I love what you can do in text-based systems and support the idea of
having ongoing issue-specific discussions available.  In text-based
environments, input takes a little time, but everyone can speak at
once so progress can be rapid (if facilitated well when needed).

However, jabber is relatively primitive.  I don't need video or audio
but I would like to be able to collaborate on a figure with you,
highlight text I'm "talking" about, that sort of thing.  

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