On 15-apr-2006, at 18:54, Christian Huitema wrote:

Clearly, the current set-up based on BGP and "default-free" tables is
not set to absorb more than a small number of PI prefixes -- maybe a few thousands, maybe a few tens of thousands, certainly not a few hundred of
millions. But who says that we cannot change it?

10 years of discussions within the IETF and basic information theory say routing won't work on the scale of the current and future internet without aggregation with reasonable hardware price/ performace ratio assumptions.

Number portability,
after all, only requires a layer of indirection. We can certainly
engineer that!

And we have. It's called the DNS. But it seems people need more indirection. Where do we draw the line? Portable street addresses? Portable GPS coordinates?

It's really too bad, because we almost have what we need to pull this whole scalability thing off in IPv6: stateless autoconfig, DHCPv6 prefix delegation, dynamic DNS updates, MIPv6, shim6. The only thing missing is some finishing touches (ok, more than "some" for shim6, but it is moving along) and for firewall vendors to jump on the bandwagon and move away from hardcoded IP address based filters.

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