Michael Thomas wrote:
Alexandru Petrescu wrote:

Is it possible to read content of the IETF lists (WG discussions, announce, etc) as RSS feeds? I think the IETF doesn't provide it as such, but is there maybe a gateway mailman-rss that would allow to read it so?

Please excuse if the technical formulation is aberrant, I'm just getting familiar with RSS feeds. The problem I have is that I'm subscribed to a relatively many IETF (and non-IETF) lists, some that I browse more often than others, and the mailbox is quickly exceeding my provider's capacities, as well as many other providers' I guess. Changing subscriptions to all lists is painful (even if IETF offers a IETF-wide change option, not all do) and I wouldn't go through it again, but maybe one last time.

Perhaps this is unhip and in the way, but mail2news might be a solution here.

Ah, gnus, long-time user here, but for some reason converted to mozilla...

Anybody did this mail-rss conversion with mailbucket.org?


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