Marshall Eubanks wrote:

Nobody flies from LAX to San Diego because it ends up taking
twice as long as driving for 10 times as much, so don't expect
lots of flights from LA.

For visitors, you might want to fly to LAX, rent a car,
drive down the 405, and take a detour to the Laguna Beach
area on the way down (or back) for a little vacation time.

BTW, 3 comments on some real topics:

 - Meeting location is a minor factor for me when I go to the IETF meeting.
   Whether or not I have active drafts in WGs (author or chair) is the gating
   factor whether I go to the IETF at all, regardless of where it is located.

 - I strongly support Fred Baker's notion of location fairness,
   just as I did when Fred was IETF Chair.

 - I didn't find a terminal room, but instead a giant 'break room'
   for ad-hoc meetings and food breaks.  This was wonderful, and
   about time! 802.11 has thankfully made the terminal room obsolete.
   I want this format every time.  Please consider 2 enhancements:

     - A/C around the perimeter for laptop power
     - beverages available (at least pitchers of water) all day


On Jul 17, 2006, at 8:45 AM, Marshall Eubanks wrote:


On Jul 17, 2006, at 8:21 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John C Klensin wrote:

It also means such things as:

    * picking places within those countries or regions that have
    good airports with easy (and multiple) international
    connections.  Even San Diego is a little marginal in that
    regard.  Based on experience in the last year or so, I'd
    suggest that Cape Town and Marrakech (suggested in another
    posting) should be utterly disqualified (although J-berg and
    Casablanca are more plausible on this dimension).

Some data about San Diego: Today, the flight information page on San
Diego "International" Airport web site shows a couple of flights
to/from Mexico and a couple to/from Canada -- all the others are
within US.

When meeting in North America, I would strongly prefer cities that
have several direct flight connections from both Europe and Asia.
Of the recent IETF meeting places, San Diego is the only one that
clearly fails this criteria... so why are we going there again?

Even direct flights within the US can be hard to find.

Depending on where you are coming from, and when you purchase your tickets,
you may find it faster / cheaper / better
to fly to LAX or Long Beach and drive down to San Diego. (LAX <-> San Diego is ~ 200 km, and LAX is basically on the San Diego Freeway.) I did this for the one San Diego IETF.

s/the one San Diego IETF/the one San Diego IETF I attended/

Sorry for the typo

If you do that, be aware that there is a permanent immigration checkpoint on the
San Diego freeway Northbound, which can cause backups returning.


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