On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, Ned Freed wrote:

> I don't think the lack of support for unencrypted IMAP or POP is quite
> sufficient. What's to stop an attacker acting as a MITM (by
> publishing a bogus SRV record or whatever) getting an unencypted connection 
> and
> turning around and connecting to the server using encryption?

That's exactly the scenario I was thinking of.

> However, just because this and other attacks are real doesn't mean that 
> there's
> no security gain from a setup that's subject to downgrade attacks. Often as 
> not
> it is far more difficult to mount a MITM attack than it is to mount to perform
> passive eavesdropping.

True.  However, spoofing a DNS response is often considerably easier than
mounting a MITM attack at the network layer.  Phill is correct that
deploying DNSSEC helps with this.  However, I don't see wide deployment of
DNSSEC today, and I'm not holding my breath.  Please, feel free to prove
my pessimism unwarranted.

-- Jeff

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