On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 09:36:38AM -0700, todd glassey wrote:
> Bill - I think the IETF has tried to for years claim it has no members and
> that simply isn't true - and I can arrange to have a Judge tell you and the
> IETF that if you like.

        great...  i'd appreciate that.  i stand by my claim that i am
        not a member of the IETF.  I have attended IETF meetings, participated
        in discussion and debate, proposed work, developed code ...  all of
        which were done in consultation with like-minded individuals.

        i've -never- signed up as a member, paid membership dues, nor am
        i aware of a process for becoming a member.

> The fact is that this WG has a membership and is constructing IETF process

        er, does the WG have membership or is it an email list that has
        members?  are you asserting that an email address on a list 
        constitutes membership?  

> More inline below.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> To: "todd glassey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: <ietf@ietf.org>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 9:11 AM
> Subject: Re: Why cant the IETF embrace an open Election Process rather than
> some
> > todd,
> > you never did answer my question.  when do you think the IETF
> > aquired the attribute of "members"?
> It has members when it needs to claim it "voted on something to approve its
> deployment" but that the term MEMBERS is not generally accepted by those who
> want the system to stay as it is today.

        the rabble don't vote.  there is the occasional "hum" (thanks Marshall)
        to have the WG chairs guage consesus.  the IESG and IAB vote... so the
        term members may apply there.  but as to the occasional passerby whom
        may make a random comment or two, i posit that the case is not so clear.

> > open elections kind of presupose a defined electorate.
> > what would be the criteria for some entity to cast a vote in
> > such an "election"?
> Being an active member of a WG - i.e. someone who's actions within the IETF
> were constrained by what this WG does..

        and how, pray tell would there be an emperical, unbiased definition of
        "active member" ...  

        thanks for your comments.


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