At 09:28 PM 9/14/2006, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:

> From: Joel M. Halpern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I doubt that in the brief consideration based on your note I
> have found all of the problems.

Obviously. As Winston Churchill once remarked, "Democracy is the worst possible system of government, except for all the others".

The problem with the current scheme is precisely when people use the power of incumbency to advance arguments like the one you just gave. In particular a certain individual made essentially the same argument to trump a technical discussion and as a result DNSSEC was put back by five years.

Either argue your case or don't. Asserting that you believe you could find an argument but are too lazy to do so is hardly persuasive.

I raised several specific objections to your view, which you have chosen not to respond to here. The comment you quote was not intended as an argument you should (or as you observe could) respond to, but rather as an indication taht I would not be surprised if there were additional issues beyond the ones I raised that would also need to be discussed.

Joel M. Halpern

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