On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 01:00:14PM +0200, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> >>If that's indeed the case, the first order of business needs to
> >>be to document current practice. I see no chance of making
> >>forward progress on actual changes without first having a
> >>consensus as to what our current state is.
> >
> >
> >Brian Carpenter has written draft-carpenter-rfc2026-critique-02.txt
> >which does exactly that, and he has repeatedly solicited comments on
> >it.  If you think that it would be helpful to have it published as
> >an informational RFC before undertaking to make normative changes
> >to our standards procedures, please say so.
> Thanks for the plug, Mike :-)
> Quite seriously - am I to conclude from the absence of comments
> on that draft that everyone agrees that it correctly describes
> current practice? If so, I'll look for an AD to sponsor it.

        silence is NOT consent.  Its silence.   
        to be SURE, i'd wait till you had actually
        expressions of support.  but, i'm not you am i? :)

>    Brian
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