This reply was inadvertently blind copied to the ietf mailing list.
I meant to have it plain copied, but dropped it a line to low...


--> -----Original Message-----
--> From: Gray, Eric 
--> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 2:04 PM
--> To: 'Olaf M. Kolkman'
--> Subject: RE: draft-kolkman-appeal-support
--> I think, to address the comment, you would have to change the phrase to
--> end with "there are not sufficient qualified supporters."
--> > David wrote:
--> > > Perhaps Olafur might even be convinced to produce text in his draft
--> > > that encourages individuals to provide their support in proxy, or to
--> > > allow IAB/IESG members to waive.
--> > 
--> > _Olaf_ :-) wrote in the I-D:
--> > "  Note that the appeal body may choose to consider an appeal even
--> >     there are not sufficient supporters."
--> --> -----Original Message-----
--> --> From: Olaf M. Kolkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
--> --> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 1:20 PM
--> --> To:
--> --> Subject: Re: draft-kolkman-appeal-support
--> --> 
--> --> _______________________________________________
--> --> Ietf mailing list
--> -->
--> -->
--> --> 

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