Emin Gun Sirer wrote:
Stephane & Phillip,

I'm thinking of writing a short report that summarizes the invaluable
discussion here and beefing up the system sketch. I think we now agree
that it is possible to have multiple operators manage names in a single,
shared namespace without recourse to a centralized super-registry.

Do you think it fits well in Hallam-Baker, Phillip's "logical registry"

Yes, the registrars together implement a logical registry without any
centralized component.

I would prefer it if you referred to a logical namespace. Whether or
not there is a registry is a bit of an implementation issue.

As an Internet user, I wonder about two things in the long term:
        - why is it so expensive to register a name?

Both Milton Friedman and JM Keynes are dead now, but really your
question is linked to whether we treat the namespace as a public
good to be administered for the greater public good, or as a
commodity to be treated like coffee beans. And that really isn't
a question for this technological community.


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