On Wed, 29 Nov 2006, Joe Abley wrote:

I did not see any consensus on that issue when it was brought to NANOG-m.

Interesting. I didn't notice any support for separating the 32-bit quantity into two sections, but I remember many people decrying the need for any separator at all.

I'd have to look at archive but I was not left with impression that people were against it rather they were noting changes that would have to be made.

The principal argument against "." specifically was that it will instantly break all deployed AS_PATH regular expressions (or at least, potentially cause regex comparisons to provide surprising results).

I'm pretty sure it would be some time before tools are available that will
provide AS_PATH in new format and even then I've a feeling same tools will
give user an option to get data with ASN in new format or get it with ASN as a 64-bit number. Note that large number of existing ASN-processing scripts would break any way you go if they are doing bound checking...

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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