>>>>> "ken" == ken carlberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >>>> I'm speaking here as an individual.  I'd like to build
    >>>> consensus for my position both within the IESG and within the
    >>>> community, but I realize that if I fail to build that
    >>>> consensus, I cannot make this objection as a single IESG
    >>>> member.
    ken> Its now been about 2 weeks since the last comment was sent on
    ken> this thread.  Do you feel you have reached consensus?
    >>  I sent my IESG comments two weeks ago, and Jon should be
    >> following up with the WG chairs.

    ken> Since I (and most of the IETF list) don't have access to that
    ken> private correspondence, I don't know if your comments
    ken> addressed my above question of whether you feel there was
    ken> consensus reached given your original statement/position.  I
    ken> won't ask you to repeat your private comments, but I would
    ken> appreciate your feedback on my question given the amount of
    ken> correspondence on the IETF list concerning this thread.

If Jon doesn't mind I'd be happy to send out my comments.  They were
made in private because that seems to be current IESG practice--to
give the chairs an opportunity to respond before any public comment is

I don't have an easy answer for you.

I walked into the discussion on ieprep thinking I knew what the
charter meant.  The discussion on the ietf list convinced me I don't
understand the charter and a lot of other people don't to.  Much of my
comments were about believing that if we're going to go forward,
perhaps we should work on that.

The discussion on the IETF list suggested reasonably strongly that
regardless of what you think of the ITU, some of the things the
charter contemplated doing don't really fall within the ITU's mandate.

There was very little support outside of those involved in the ieprep
working group for the ieprep work.

I'd have to say that there wasn't really a clear consensus in either
direction about much of anything.

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