On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 06:50:01PM -0500,
 a message of 107 lines which said:

>       Title           : Guidelines for an Arabic Domain Name System (ADNS)
>       Author(s)       : M. Farah, et al.
>       Filename        : draft-farah-adntf-adns-guidelines-02.txt,.ps,.pdf

The text is so full of mistakes that I suggest it should receive
little consideration. The worst mistake:

>       The Domain Name System (DNS) only recognizes ASCII characters
>       A-Z, 0-9 and '-'.

Another one is the systematic confusion between language and writing
system (the fact that the ICANN does the same error is not an excuse).
The most funny mistake is:

>        Further to this, the uniqueness of an Arabic Domain Name on
>        the Internet is currently not guaranteed; so two entities/persons can
>        register the same name on two different registries!

What, it is possible for two different persons to register
bortzmeyer.ch and bortzmeyer.fr? :-)

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