On Monday, January 08, 2007 08:09:58 PM +0100 Frank Ellermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How about allowing PROTO shepherds to post to the I-D tracker?

Can't they ?  At least the questionnaire (modulo 1F) is posted.

Not at present. The writeup is posted by whoever processed the shepherd's request for publication (to iesg-secretary, which AFAIK is an RT queue). Further changes are generally made as necessary and appropriate by the IESG secretary, the AD who placed a DISCUSS, or the sponsoring AD, who is supposed to be copied on all of the shepherd's communication regarding the document.

IIRC, there ws a plan at least at one time to provide greater access to shepherds, such as the ability to post comments on one of their documents and perhaps even make certain state changes. However, the tracker's access control model was somewhat primitive.

There is work in progress (requirements-gathering appears to be nearly complete) to extend the tracker to provide WG chairs with tools to track documents while they are still in the hands of the working group. I expect this will require extending the access control model, so perhaps when that's done we'll see enhanced access for shepherds. Anyone from the tools team want to comment on this?

-- Jeff

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