On 2007-01-31 00:35, Ned Freed wrote:
> More generally, I have a problem with normative cituations to BCP and STD
> numbers since the underlying document can change. That's arguably OK for an
> informational citation, but IMO normative references may have version
> dependencies that need to be taken into account.

I think that is absolutely correct for technical specs. In the specific case
of the IPR process documents, which Spencer raised, it may well be that
the correct citation should be the latest version. (But not in all cases;
when discussing the copyright status of RFC mumble, the copyright rules
in force at the time of publication may be the correct citation.)

I think we're in complete agreement here: There's no single right answer and
there are several considerations in play, making this something authors have to
think about when they cite some other document.


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