
I'm trying to implement the NACK mechanism in the existing SigComp module.
I would like to know what are the expecting actions at the Compressor side after receiving the NACK message? There are about 25 possible errors, but I cann't see the easy way to fix all of them in Compressor real time execution period. There is a sentence from the RFC 4077, at the page No. 9: "Note that many of the status codes are more useful in debugging interoperability problems than with on-the-fly correction of errors." [RFC 4077, page 9 ] Could anyone explain me what does it really mean? It looks like some error codes serve only for debugging our application and couldn't be fixed during the communication between the two remote endpoints.

If someone has some other useful advices about implementing the NACK mechanism, I would be really pleased to read it.

Thanks in advance!


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