Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:

> there is no incentive I can see to transition to the pure IPv6
> state and release the IPv4 addresses.

Just FYI,

INTERNET DRAFT                                                   M. Ohta
draft-ohta-address-allocation-00.txt       Tokyo Institute of Technology
                                                            Geoff Huston
                                                     Telstra Corporation
                                                         Masaki Hirabaru
                                                     Merit Network, Inc.
                                                               Jun Murai
                                                         Keio University
                                                                May 2000

           Usage Based Address Allocation Considered Harmful

The More Restricted Assignment Plan

      No IPv4 address space should be allocated to an ISP, unless the
      ISP support fully operational fully transparent IPv6 service with
      at least 64K IPv6 subnets to all the end users.

                                                        Masataka Ohta

Your mistake is insisting on release of IPv4 addresses, even though
exhaustion of IPv4 addresses is an incentive for IPv6 transition.

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