Just following onto John's note.

For whatever it is worth, I think we need to step carefully
around the distinction Paul makes above: there are almost
certainly circumstances in which we should accept a broader
grant of rights conditional on standardization and a narrower
one if the technology is not standardized.  I wish the IPR WG
were paying a bit more attention to this sort of issue.

Again, for whatever it is worth, these two-level statements have been fairly common in IPR disclosures in the past. I didn't scan the 600 or so disclosures this afternoon, but in the most recent ID-specific disclosures, this seems to be more common than not (see https://datatracker.ietf.org/public/ipr_list.cgi to check my math).

I wonder from time to time how these conditional grants are supposed to interact with prototype implementations before a standard is approved ("... and running code"), but if I sit very still, that thought usually goes away.



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