>>>>> "Bernard" == Bernard Aboba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Bernard> O, I definitely think they are session keys.  [BA] They
    Bernard> are not TSKs according to the definition in the EAP Key
    Bernard> Management Framework.

That's true.
But  that definition is not normative for draft-housley-aaa-key-mgmt.

    Bernard> Wait, what's wrong with giving 100 authenticators 100
    Bernard> different keys provided that each authenticator is
    Bernard> authorized to claim the identity it plans to claim?
    Bernard> Isn't that exactly the sort of thing we do want to do?
    Bernard> [BA] The creation of cryptographically separate keys for
    Bernard> each authenticator is not sufficient; the EAP Key
    Bernard> Management Framework describes the problems that can
    Bernard> result without authentication and authorization.

Again, I think that correctness of accounting in this instance is an
additional requirement the key management framework puts on top of

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